Making Good on New Year's Resolutions: #1 Get to the Gym
January 6, 2020 •Brian Hogan

It’s January 6th and you’re already crushing your New Year’s Resolution. You’ve tackled your new exercise routine and are feeling great. This is the year to get fit and fabulous!
Photo by The Lazy Artist Gallery from Pexels
Flash forward to Thursday, March 5th. It’s 6:15 am and you’ve hit Snooze for the second time. You’ve already missed three days at the gym this week because of business travel and a child that was hit with the flu. You were up late working on a project due Friday and to top it all off, the Polar Vortex has returned. You’ll just start again next week.
We’ve all been there. Next week comes and goes, along with more excuses or activities that “prevent” us from achieving our goals. The 10-minute commute to and from the gym, that was so short in January, is eating into the time you will actually have to work out now. Is it really worth it to go for just one-half hour of exercise?
But what if there was no commute? No Polar Vortex making it just too cold to get outside? At Hogan Design & Construction, we think a home gym or adaptive space can help you eliminate the excuses and move you closer to your goal!
The Advantages to an At-Home Gym Space:
Okay, we all know them, but let’s review…
- Save Time and Make Time. While the commute didn’t seem so bad in early January, when you wake up late and still need to get the kids out the door and yourself to an early meeting, it just doesn’t seem feasible to make it to the gym. Having an exercise space at home allows you to do a 10-minute speed workout, get showered and out the door in no time. Or maybe you fit it in while dinner is in the oven. An at-home gym helps you MAKE time to workout.
- Save Money. Whether it’s a budget issue or money wasted issue, an at-home gym space avoids the costly gym membership that you may or may not use in any given week or month.
- Save the Excuses. Seriously. My list of favorites I have used in the past are... “It’s too cold/icy/rainy this morning. I don’t want to drive.” Or, “I was up too late last night. The extra sleep will be better for me than the workout...I need it.” Or, “I’ll start tomorrow.” Or, “I forgot to lay out my gym clothes. It’s just too much to think about this morning.” (Yes, I can be exceptionally lazy). With an at-home gym, you really have no excuse not to show up - no roads to navigate and it’s always accessible, if only for 10 minutes at a time, and you can show up in your PJs.
Designing Your Exercise Space for Success:
You may not have a large room to devote to a gym that rivals the Four Seasons. The good news, you don’t need it. A gym can be created in a small zone or in an adaptive area. It’s the design choices you make with the designated space that will keep you motivated and engaged as you continue your fitness journey.
Home gym by Hogan Design & Construction, Geneva, IL
Our Top 3 Design-focused Tips to keep you inspired and moving …
- Lighting is Key. You don’t need to be an expert in Design Psychology to know that lighting is a definite mood booster or killer. It can affect your energy - positively and negatively. The optimal workout space will have natural light whenever possible. Layered lights can help to create the atmosphere you need to get you in the right frame of mind... and, mirrors can function not only to make sure you are using the proper form but to make a smaller or darker space feel more open and airy.
- Choose the Right Color(s). Like light, color in a space can affect the way you feel. Choose colors that energize and give you positive vibes. Knowing how a color affects you individually is important. For example, some people find red stimulating and energizing. For others, too much red can cause anxiety. Also, consider choosing hues in the room to match the activities you will be doing. If your jam is Yoga, maybe a calming pale blue or sage green is the right color. If you a weightlifter, maybe a red accent wall is what you need. Or, if you like to mix it up with your workouts, consider going with a neutral wall color (white or pale gray) and adding in elements and art with different colors that you can focus on when you are doing the different activities.
- Make it Flexible. If you’re anything like me, I need variety in my workouts. High-intensity interval training may deliver results, but sometimes my muscles, as well as my mind need a little less impact. Designing a room to fit both needs can help me easily move onto my next preferred workout. Keep the space relatively open and free of clutter. If the space is large enough and your finances support it, by all means, add in a stationary bike/treadmill/ elliptical, or all three. However, be sure to leave room for stretching, lifting, boxing (some days you just want to hit something... in a productive way), and meditating (or maybe just napping on a mat). There are some great home gym items that don’t take up much space but give you a well-rounded, kick-butt workout too. I got some great ideas for my own home gym space from this article at Health Magazine online. However you outfit your space, just keep moving in on that goal.
For more home gym design tips, we like this article from Bob Vila’s blog. And if you’re still looking for more excuses NOT to work out or a good laugh, try reading this article at Spark People. You’re welcome ;-)